What’s Your Perfect Newfound Summer Day?











Help Us Plan Seven Newfound Days of Summer

Stuck in the winter doldrums? Bumming about the New England Patriots? Cheer up!
The NLRA is already planning Newfound’s Seven Days of Summer!

Excited by the success of our Lake Week events, we are expanding our horizons to give more people a chance to do something special while visiting Newfound Lake and its spectacular watershed.

For seven days this summer — one day each week, from late June through mid-August — we will be sponsoring outdoor-themed events that bring you closer to the clean water, fresh air and sparkling skies that make Newfound so special.

What will there be to do?
We have a few ideas, such as EcoTours and guided hikes, but we need some more.

This is where YOU come in!

Please let us know how we can help make your Newfound experience even better by completing this brief, 2-minute survey.

Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas. We’ll keep you posted on results and plans to help make this year the best Seven Days of Summer!