The NLRA is excited to announce a new program to benefit property owners and our clean water. Pollution from erosion and stormwater runoff are impacting Newfound Lake and our property values. The Newfound Youth Conservation Corp (Newfound YCC) will be reaching out to property owners to help identify potential stormwater runoff issues and provide free assistance and simple and fun solutions. If you are interested in participating, please contact us via email or call 603-774-8689.
Simple, Do-It-Yourself Stormwater Solutions
Stormwater runoff is rain or melting snow that doesn’t soak into the ground. Stormwater runoff becomes a problem when streams have to accommodate more flow than nature designed, resulting in flooding and stream bank erosion. Polluted runoff hurts our clean water.
You may have stormwater running off of your own yard, roof or driveway. There are many small, simple changes that you can make that will help prevent runoff. For example, you can use a rain barrel to capture rainwater from your roof — and you can use this water for your lawn, garden, and indoor plants in dry weather.
Click here to see the New Hampshire Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management (thanks to the Soak Up the Rain NH program) for more solutions for your property.
A Citizen Planner Workshop is Happening in Your Town — Join Us!
You can be a powerful advocate for sustainable economic development and environmental protection in your town. Come and learn how to be a citizen planner!
ALL MEETINGS 6 PM – 8 PM (unless indicated otherwise)
Individual Town Workshops:
Monday, June 6, 7 PM – 9 PM, Bridgewater Town Offices
Thursday, June 9, Hebron Town Offices
Monday, June 13, Groton Town Hall
Thursday, June 16, Alexandria Old Town Hall
Monday, June 20, Bristol Town Office
2016 Wrap-up Meeting on September 1
Call 744-8689 or send an email for more information. Sessions led by Steve Whitman, AICP.
Mark Your Calendar for Lake Week:
July 23-30
Starting at Grey Rocks on July 23, join us for a variety of fun and informative activities, including:
Paddling trips and demonstrations
- Family Fishing Day
- NH Lakes’ “Watershed Warriors”
- Mini Newfound Eco-Tours
- Sailing a timed course
- Grey Rocks Permaculture Design Reveal
- Guided hikes
- “Life of Loons” at the Bristol Library
- Wrap up Lake Week at the Hebron Fair
More plans in the works — follow us on Facebook, and watch the web for more eNews and registration information