Lots of Summer Fun to Enjoy in Newfound

Summer Programs are in Full Swing

The first heat wave is behind us, and those who were near the Lake know how refreshing Newfound’s clean, clear waters can be! With the summer solstice already in the rear view, NLRA programs and activities are in full swing. Here’s what’s happened, and what’s coming soon that you might enjoy taking part in!

NLRA Annual Meeting Highlights

The annual meeting took place on a hot Monday night at Pete and MJ’s classic Red Barn in Hebron. About 60 NLRA members and friends gathered for refreshments, conversations, and updates on their watershed organization. Several guests joined the NLRA on the spot, which is always exciting and heartwarming. The highlight of the evening was presenting our highest level of recognition for exemplary achievements, the Founder’s Award, to Kelly Dunn (shown right accepting her award). Kelly graciously accepted the award on behalf of herself and her husband Ray, who passed away earlier this year. Thanks to Kelly and Ray for their many meaningful contributions of time, talent and treasure!


Newfound Youth Conservation Corps (NYCC) – Getting ‘er Done!

The NYCC, led by NLRA Program Manager Andrew Veilleux, consists of Mike, Danny, and Hunter — three hard working and talented young men.The crew helps homeowners to reduce erosion and flooding, and to prevent stormwater pollution from entering the Lake. Using Best Management Practices (BMPs) that slow the flow and increase infiltration, the NYCC brings (free!) ideas, creativity and human power to solve stormwater pollution problems.

Starting this year, the NYCC is maintaining the Cummings Beach stormwater swale installed by NLRA and the Town of Bristol in 2011. The NYCC has a number of other actions scheduled, including expansion of 2017 projects; new BMPs, such as rain gardens on Whittemore Point; and stormwater and pedestrian safety improvements at Newfound Audubon. If you have problems with erosion, flooding or runoff, email Andrew for a free assessment.

Grey Rocks – Turning Lawns into Gardens

NLRA’s Grey Rocks Conservation Area is getting better every day. With the completion of the grading, “hardscape,” and tree planting — thanks to NLRA uber-volunteer Les Mills and NLRA staff — the shape of things to come is more apparent.





NLRA’s Grey Rocks Conservation Area is getting better every day. With the completion of the grading, “hardscape,” and tree planting — thanks to NLRA uber-volunteer Les Mills and NLRA staff — the shape of things to come is more apparent.

Liz showed us how sheet mulching converts lawn to a natural, nutrient-rich soil that retains moisture and provides an excellent growing environment for the diverse and integrated plantings permaculture is known for. With more sheet mulching planned at Grey Rocks, we are preparing long-lasting planting beds that mimic natural conditions. Let us know if you want to help restore Grey Rocks!

Summer Stargazing an Eye Opener

Roughly 40 people arrived at Audubon’s Ash Cottage at dusk on July 12 to share the night skies with the NH Astronomical Society. Society members set up amazing telescopes, showing us the moons of Jupiter that inspired Galileo; a white and blue star pair; and the planet Mars, rising like a glowing coal over the southern horizon.

While viewing was not optimal (the variable cloud cover created “sucker holes”), the interest, passion, and information shared by Society astronomers and teachers Paul and John were memorable. Thanks to Newfound Audubon for sharing Ash Cottage, and to all of you that turned out for this event. To learn more about the NH Astronomical Society, and to join them for other free skywatch events, visit their website.

Summer’s Moving Fast — Hurry Up and Get Out!

Made for kids of all ages – spend some warm-weather time outdoors at one or more of the remaining 7 Weeks of Summer activities!

Sign up today to reserve your spot for one or more of these events:

July 21: Around the Lake Sailing Race, 1pm start
If you would like to participate, contact Andrew Veilleux at 603-744-8689 or email. If you don’t have a sailboat, we will find a boat for you to join! See the race instructions.

July 28: Hebron Fair, 9am-3pm
Join us for crafts, food and fun at the Hebron Fair on Hebron Common. This is one of your last opportunities to purchase your MegaRaffle ticket(s) – excellent prizes, excellent chances to win! And the prizes make great gifts! Learn more here.

August 1: Stream Stomp!, AMC Cardigan Lodge, 9am-12pm
Biologist Michele Tremblay, president of the NH Rivers Council, will introduce us to the critters that live in Newfounds’ streams. Each is an important indicator of water’s quality and has a story to tell. Come prepared to put your feet in the water and learn about life near the bottom of the food chain! Space is limited – sign up soon!

August 8: Guided hike on Mt. Cardigan, 9am-3pm
For the hearty and adventurous seeking fresh air and lots of exercise! Explore the wonders of the Mt. Cardigan massif — the highest point in the Newfound watershed. Led by Program Manager, Andrew Veilleux. Space is limited – sign up soon!

Do You Love Newfound?

Help us protect your lake and your property now and for generations to come.

Join NLRA today.



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