Newfound is Calling — Time to Answer!

Fill Up on Your Favorite Newfound Summer Memories

It is August already(!) The days are warm, the water is too (at least the upper few feet), leaves are dark waxy green, with hints of a turn to fall colors (say it ain’t so)!

We want all our Newfound friends and stewards to “get out” and fill up on your favorite summer memories. Come to our Grey Rocks Conservation Area to walk the trails, relax on the waterfront viewing platforms, or launch your paddle boat for an adventure in the Cockermouth Delta and Hebron Marsh. Take an EcoTour on the NLRA pontoon boat, Madelaine, for an up-close and personal experience on the Lake, with an eagle-eye view of the watershed. For the stout of heart, strong of leg and altitude oriented, our final 7 Weeks of Summer activity awaits you on August 8 (read more below).

Whatever you do to savor Newfound’s beauty, we hope you will also consider how you can pay it forward for your kids and future generations. By taking care of this area that gives us all so much, we can earn the satisfaction of a good job well done. Visit our website to learn more about us, if you would like to become a member, or are looking to contribute to Newfound in some other meaningful way!

Summer’s Moving Fast — Hurry Up and Get Out!

Spend some warm-weather time outdoors at our final 7 Weeks of Summer activity. Sign up today to reserve your spot!

August 8: Guided hike on Mt. Cardigan, 9am-3pm
For the hearty and adventurous seeking fresh air and lots of exercise! Explore the wonders of the Mt. Cardigan massif — the highest point in the Newfound watershed. Led by Program Manager, Andrew Veilleux. Space is limited – sign up today!

10th Annual Mega-Raffle – Less than 50 Tickets Left!

Purchase your Mega-Raffle ticket(s) today for excellent chances to win one (or more!) fabulous prizes! Your purchase supports local businesses and the Newfound Lake Region Association. Click here for prize and purchase information. Drawing is August 13 – don’t need to be present to win!

NLRA and Bristol History at Mill Stream Park
(Concept Plan-2018) Bristol’s preliminary plans for Mill Stream Park

Bristol’s Mill Stream Park (location of former Mill Stream Ice Cream) is becoming an enticing and entrancing gateway to the Newfound area. With access to the Newfound River and the pedestrian / bike path to the Lake, a local and growing Farmer’s Market, and Bristol’s newest informational display, the Park is becoming a desirable destination!





Check out NLRA’s new Welcome to the Watershed signs

Our new signs’ first “customers”








Do You Love Newfound?

Help us protect your lake and your property now and for generations to come.

Join NLRA today.



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