North Shore Road Project Protects Newfound

May 4, 2018

Sleepy Hollow Stormwater Management Project Underway

Roughly six years since we started, the Sleepy Hollow Village Association (Sleepy Hollow) and Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA) project to prevent stormwater pollution at Sleepy Hollow is finally underway!

You may have noticed the enormous sandbar that appears in late summer, reaching far into the lake from the Sleepy Hollow beach. This relatively new, and definitely unwanted, feature is a result of uphill and upstream sediment that washes downstream under the road and comes to rest in the lake. (These photos show the sediment filling of Sleepy Hollow waterfront, taken in November 2014.)

While sediment transport is not unusual, Sleepy Hollow is somewhat unique because of the size and shape of its cove and the upstream conditions supplying the sand. As hundreds of tons of sand flowed in, the former swim area has been damaged and boat moorings left high and dry.

Long-time Newfound resident, Sleepy Hollow owner, and NLRA volunteer Steve Gunn approached us years ago seeking a solution, which would require controlling the sediment source and dredging the sandbar back to historical conditions. With a substantial drainage area, busy road, and complex permits required, this was easier said than done. However, as part of the NLRA’s current watershed protection grant, we recruited the NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT) to improve the drainage under and around North Shore Road by installing catch basins, sediment traps, and a new (and larger) culvert. The Town of Hebron signed on to stabilize parts of George Road that could contribute to ongoing sedimentation.The NLRA, through our NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) watershed grant, is providing funds to Sleepy Hollow and the Town of Hebron to assist with their work.

NHDOT estimates their total costs in the $50,000 to $75,000 range, and NLRA has budgeted an additional $10,000 from our NHDES grant. Work is scheduled to begin the week of April 30, and continue through May. North Shore Road will be restricted to one-lane travel near Sleepy Hollow for this time period.

Our hope is that this project, and proper management of the upstream watershed, will greatly reduce future sediment loading at Sleepy Hollow, and that the Association will successfully restore their waterfront to its historic conditions. We are grateful to Steve Gunn, the NHDOT, and the Town of Hebron for collaborating on this project, and to the NHDES for funding a substantial portion of the work. The NLRA is excited that we are finally underway. We appreciate the commitment and patience of all our partners, as well as those of you that will be delayed by construction for the next month or so.


West Shore Marine Discounts for NLRA Members

Once again, NLRA Trustee Greg Wagner (pictured right) and West Shore Marine have risen above to set an example of local support. Beginning this boating season, Greg is providing NLRA members with 10% discounts off selected marine parts and accessories. We hope you will thank Greg for his generosity and foresight by joining the NLRA and doing business with West Shore Marine.

If you own a business and are interested in following Greg’s example, please email Karen Bemis or call her at 603-744-8689.


Summer’s Coming — and so is your copy of the Spring Monitor!

Members should watch for their copy of The Monitor – NLRA’s flagship publication – to arrive in the mail by mid May. The NLRA has the best members in the entire galaxy – your support is what makes our work possible – so thank you!

If you are not yet a member, you can join online. NLRA members receive The Monitor, discounts to Newfound EcoTours and West Shore Marine, and the latest news about fun and important watershed events and activities!


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