Pete DeBassio Memorial Update

March 25, 2025

Dear Supporters,

The Newfound Lake Region Association has seen overwhelming support in memory of Pete DeBassio. To date, over $19,000 has been raised by this effort, speaking to the incredible impact Pete had on those who knew him.

Through these donations, the impact Pete had in life continues on. Every dollar raised will bring educational programming to the community and fund initiatives that protect Newfound Lake’s clean water.

Last week, NLRA worked with students at Danbury Elementary to explore ice cores, which are used to track climate and atmosphere changes. They investigated the snowpack around school grounds in the same way that scientists use ice layers to understand past weather and climate. Drawing these connections between science and their own environment helps build the next generation of environmental stewards. NLRA’s work with Danbury Elementary students and schools and community groups across the watershed is made possible through donations like yours to this special endowed fund.

Thank you for honoring Pete’s legacy with your support.

With gratitude,

Rebecca Hanson
Executive Director