The Newfound Clear Water Society — Touching the Future with Planned Giving


Newfound Clear Water Society – Touching the Future

Newfound Lake is known for water so clear you can see fish swimming 30 feet below you. Clarity is something we cherish in the Lake; for our future, however, things can be murky.

That’s why we rely on generous members of the Newfound Clear Water Society, who have named NLRA as a beneficiary in their wills, trusts, IRAs, insurance policies, or other estate planning vehicles. Their planned gifts are our best bet for a clear future.

We have consistently recognized members of 15 or more consecutive years — a powerful testimony to their trust and belief in the NLRA. The Newfound Clear Water Society is designed for these and other members to continue supporting the NLRA in perpetuity. Moving forward, we will provide some clarity on the topic of gift and estate planning and how it impacts our current and future mission to protect Newfound Lake and its watershed.

You can easily make a lasting difference with a planned gift. One of the biggest myths surrounding planned giving is that it is just for the wealthy. In reality, most everyone can plan today for gifts that will pay dividends years — even generations — from now. Estate planning is not only for the uber-rich; it is a smart way to support your favorite charitable organization today, and in the future.

There are many ways you can ensure that NLRA is able to maintain Newfound’s beauty, such as:

  • Donating land
  • Donating cash from your life insurance policy
  • Reducing capital gains tax through gifts of stocks
  • Putting your IRA to work as a charitable gift
  • Setting up a charitable trust.

For all who have committed to future charitable gift provisions, we welcome you to the Newfound Clear Water Society – our way of thanking those who help ensure future clarity as we continue to protect our cherished waters, land, and sky today. We are grateful to these charter members for their commitment and leadership: T. Holmes (Bud) and Norma Jean (Jinga) Moore (pictured in the center); and Chris Keppelman and Jim Mulroy. Will you be next?

If you wish to join the Newfound Clear Water Society, or have already included the NLRA in your estate planning, please contact Boyd Smith or Rob Moore.

This article is the first in a series to explore and explain how making a planned gift is an easy and lasting way to make your mark on Newfound.

 Do You Love Newfound?

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