Touching the Future for Newfound Lake

Protect Newfound for the Future







Protection is one of the most important actions we take when we wish to shield something or someone we love from the harsh realities of life. These same noble actions are at work when we pass on our wisdom, wealth, and world to the next generation.

Your bequest to the NLRA will ensure Newfound’s future for your loved ones. Around the shore, in the hills, and along its streams, the NLRA is committed to protecting Newfound Lake and its land for generations to come. Your bequest to the NLRA ensures the place you love will be well-cared for in perpetuity.

One of the biggest myths about bequests is you have to be rich to take this path – not true! Most of us can make plans today for gifts that pay dividends for generations. There are many ways to financially “touch the future”. You can give the gift of Newfound memories to your children and grand-children by helping NLRA continue to protect our cherished watershed.

Members of the Newfound Clear Water Society have named NLRA as a beneficiary of their wills, trusts, IRAs, insurance policies, and other estate planning vehicles.

We are grateful to our Clear Water Society charter members for their commitment and leadership:  T. Holmes (Bud) and Norma Jean (Jinga) Moore); Chris Keppelman and Jim Mulroy; Richard and Linda Beyer; and Leslie Sanderson.

Will you be next?

You can easily make a lasting difference with a bequest.  If you wish to join the Newfound Clear Water Society, or have already included the NLRA in your estate planning, please contact Boyd Smith at 603-744-8689 or Rob Moore.



Do You Love Newfound?

Help us protect your lake and your property now and for generations to come.

Join NLRA today.



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