March 1, 2024
Dear Newfounders,
Since my last update, the Grey Rocks Conservation Center project has moved forward at great speed! Here’s the latest progress:
We are more than 75% of the way to our total fundraising goal! We are still connecting with individuals and foundations and are preparing to launch a community-wide appeal over the summer. If you have personal or foundation connections that you would like introduced to this project, please get in touch with me.
We’re moving forward with construction! Confident in our fundraising momentum, the NLRA Board of Trustees approved the start of the construction process. This is a significant milestone, but progress won’t be visible on site for several months. We are busy finalizing construction plans and making sure all permitting is in place, and are committed to keeping Grey Rocks open to the public throughout the popular summer season.
In February I had the pleasure of climbing into a septic system test pit. Test pits were dug at Grey Rocks in preparation for designing the Conservation Center’s septic system. We are installing a state-of-the art system that protects water quality and serves as an example of development best practices.
Please reach out to me with your questions and ideas or for more information. General information and updates for the Conservation Center can be found at:
Rebecca Hanson
Executive Director